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Scores 2652 votes
Duration 105 Minutes
average Rating 6,4 / 10 star
Little Joe is a movie starring Emily Beecham, Ben Whishaw, and Kerry Fox. Alice, a single mother, is a dedicated senior plant breeder at a corporation engaged in developing new species. Against company policy, she takes one home as
writed by Géraldine Bajard, Jessica Hausner
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In attempts to be a female Frankenstein story, Little Joe" directed by Jessica Hausner, tells the story of a female scientist, Alice, who creates a plant that can make people happy. Described by The Hollywood Reporter as "flavorless Europudding" the film was under- whelmingly artistic. The plot lacked structure and scenes did not flow as well as they had the potential to.
The storyline was fairly weak to begin with. The audience is initially introduced to Alice, who is abso- lutely work obsessed. She genetically modifies a plant that can change peoples' emotions and overall make them happy just by breathing in a scent. This project of Alice's surely goes wrong, as people are starting to become brainwashed. However, the brainwashing wasn't all that interesting. The plant, called Little Joe after Alice's son, Joe, was brainwashing people through its pollen in order for people to want to protect it, because the plant could not reproduce. The whole idea of this is just so hard to process, especially within the moment in a theater. It took me awhile to figure things out. The story is bland and straight out confusing for the first hour.
Overall, the point of the plant taking away peoples' emotions wasn't emphasized enough. The acting was nothing special - the actors didn't convince me that
the plant was harming them. The performances were so neutral and underwhelming. I couldn't feel emotions from any of the characters, even if there were intense parts within the film. In one scene, we see a character absolutely torn apart due to a build up of depression and other mental illnesses. Because of her job, the woman cannot stand her life anymore and throws herself off a high ledge in her work building. It was emotionless and bland during a time where the performances needed to be intense and dramatic. Hausner could not deliver to her own script's needs.
"Little Joe" was also just a failed thriller film. There was barely any suspense, even though I believe there was meant to be a lot. The pacing within the first hour was slow, trying to focus on family issues. It just took awhile for me to piece things together, which should never be the case (unless done extremely well, like in "Memento. br>
Though I thoroughly disliked the creative direction that was taken in the film, I would still rate it around a 6/10 solely because there were multiple strong technical aspects that I think a lot of the film critics' reviews overlooked. There was an article written on "Little Joe" that only focused on the negative aspects of it. It gave absolutely no credit to sound design. The sound was probably the best part of the film. The score matched up extremely well with the visuals and the sound effects worked perfectly with it too. The visual images that I was seeing went hand- in-hand with the auditory sounds that I was hearing. It made me feel content within the showing. Speaking of visuals, I appreciated how "Little Joe" used a really difficult color palette, yet somehow managed to keep it strong and consistent. The choice of reds and greens was a bold move, and I didn't think that it could be pulled off. It was - props to Hausner for that. The production designer was impressive and was not afraid to go for the consistent color palette. The image shown above was one of the main looks of the film, and it was color corrected absolutely perfectly. To end, I appreciated how the color palette was introduced to viewers, right from the opening shot.
Little joe movie reviews. Little joe movies. Little joe movie spoilers. Little Joe movie maker. Little joe movie 2020. Recensione di Roberto Manassero lunedì 20 maggio 2019 Alice lavora in un laboratorio botanico dove si progettano nuove specie di vita vegetale. Con alcuni colleghi ha creato un nuovo fiore bellissimo alla vista e dalle notevoli qualità terapeutiche: se conservata infatti in un'atmosfera confortevole e trattato con affetto, è in grado di migliorare la vita di chi lo possiede. Preoccupata per il suo rapporto con il figlio adolescente Joe, Alice porta a casa uno dei fiori e gli dà il nome di Little Joe. Poco alla volta l'umore del ragazzino muta in maniera inquietante, e così quello dei colleghi di Alice, che si convince sempre più che Little Joe sia in grado di manipolare la mente umana. L'austriaca Jessica Hausner, alla prima esperienza in Concorso a Cannes dopo aver presentato al Certain Regard i precedenti Lovely Rita, Hotel e Amour fou (mentre con il bellissimo Lourdes era stata in concorso a Venezia), ha girato a Londra una fantasia distopica che come altri film di questa edizione del festival ( I morti non muoiono, Atlantique, Zombi Child) riflette le paura contemporanea per la disumanizzazione e la fine dei sentimenti. Come un film di fantascienza anni '50, Little Joe costruisce lentamente, in maniera fredda e compassata, una situazione di progressiva paranoia, lasciando la protagonista sempre più sola nel tentativo di impedire la silenziosa mutazione a opera della pianta geneticamente modificata. La presenza muta del fiore, rosso e dalle lunghe spirali, funziona in realtà da innesco di fragilità e patologie già presenti in ogni personaggio del film: la protagonista Alice (Emily Beecham) è una madre apprensiva e dedita al lavoro; il suo collega Chris (Ben Whishaw) un insicuro innamorato di lei; il figlio Joe (Kit Connor) un figlio diviso fra due genitori; l'anziana collega Bella (Kerry Fox) ha un tentato suicidio alle spalle... Apparentemente, il mutamento portato dal fiore, che elimina ogni impulso emotivo e livella l'umore su una sensazione d'appagamento, migliora le vite di tutti, togliendo però agli individui, proprio come in un'invasione di ultracorpi, la loro specificità. Alice combatte contro la "zombificazione" del mondo, eppure può vedere lei stessa i risultati di un cambiamento che risolve ogni patologia... Jessica Hausner, da sempre autrice di un cinema sospeso fra iperrealismo e tragedia, costruisce il film come un racconto dell'orrore, con una trama esile e con giochi di attesa e anticipazione, lavorando soprattutto sulla messinscena. Il laboratorio bianco e verde, la serra con i fiori rossi, la casa di Alice arredata asetticamente diventano per via del loro iperrealismo luoghi sinistri. Non c'è nulla di veramente spaventoso, in Little Joe: eppure ogni inquadratura, costruita come uno spazio narrativo a sé e filmata da lenti movimenti di macchina che escludono progressivamente le figure umane, riflette e insieme genera una dimensione misteriosa. «La paura distorce la nostra visione delle cose», dice la psicologa che ha in cura Alice, «fino a farcele vedere come realizzazione dei nostri desideri»: e sta proprio qui, nell'indistinguibile natura del timore e del piacere, il segreto del film, che paradossalmente si chiude così come comincia, dopo aver instillato il dubbio che una mutazione dell'umanità possa portare a una nuova forma di vita spaventosamente identica a quella precedente... Sei d'accordo con Roberto Manassero? Scrivi a Roberto Manassero Il tuo commento è stato registrato. Convalida adesso il tuo inserimento. Ti abbiamo appena inviato un messaggio al tuo indirizzo di posta elettronica. Accedi alla tua posta e fai click sul link per convalidare. Chiudi Il tuo commento è stato registrato. Grazie. Chiudi.
Little joe movie release date. Little joe movie explained. Little joe movie. Little Joe movie. Little joe movie plot. Little joe movie cast. Little joe movie trailer. 5 wins & 13 nominations. See more awards » Edit Storyline Alice, a single mother, is a dedicated senior plant breeder at a corporation engaged in developing new species. She has engineered a very special crimson flower, remarkable not only for its beauty but also for its therapeutic value: if kept at the ideal temperature, fed properly and spoken to regularly, this plant makes its owner happy. Against company policy, Alice takes one home as a gift for her teenage son, Joe. They christen it 'Little Joe' but as it grows, so too does Alice's suspicion that her new creations may not be as harmless as their nickname suggests. Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Taglines: Happiness is a Business Details Release Date: 6 December 2019 (USA) See more » Box Office Opening Weekend USA: $10, 626, 8 December 2019 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $192, 224 See more on IMDbPro » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs » Did You Know? Trivia Awards: Prix d'Interprétation Féminine: Emily Beecham (Cannes International Film Festival, 2019) Grand Prix du Festival International de Science Fiction Utopiales (Poitiers, 2019) Mention Spéciale du Jury au Festival Européen du Film Fantastique (Strasbourg, 2019). See more » Soundtracks Happiness Business Written, produced and performed by Markus Binder. See more ».
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ဒီဇာတ်ကားလေးကတော့ … ပုံမှန်အားဖြင့်တော့ဇာတ်လမ်းတွေအတိုင်းစိတ်လှုပ်ရှား.. ရင်ခုန်တာတွေမပါဝင်ပေမယ့်… ၁၅၀၀ ချစ်ခြင်းမေတ္တာကိုဖော်ကျူးထားတဲ့ဇာတ်ကားလေးပါ.. အေ့လိ့စ်က အပင်တွေကိုချစ်မြတ်နိုးတယ်.. အလုပ်ကိုချစ်မြတ်နိုးတ်ယ.. သူကအပင်မျိုးစပ်တဲ့သူတစ်ယောက်.. အလုပ်ကြောင့်သူ့သားကိုအချိန်မပေးနိုင်ဘူး.. တစ်ဖက်မှာလည်း သူ့စားကိုစိုးရိမ်စိတ်တွေကအပြည့်… အဖေနဲ့ကွဲနေတော့သားကလည်း အဖေ့မေတ္တာကိုလိုချင်တယ်… ဘာတွေဆက်ဖြစ်ကြမလည်း…. စိတ်လုပ်ရှားစရာမကောင်းပေမယ့်.. စိတ်ဝင်စရာကောင်းအောင်ရိုက်ကူးထားလို့.. လက်မလွှတ်ကြည့်ကြပါလို့ပြောချင်ပါတယ်… Translated & Review by Kyaw Htet Win Thein Encoded by mk Quality – Web-Rip Size – 910MB / 320MB IMDB – 5. 8 Genres – Drama, Sci-Fi Run Time – 1 Hr 45 mins.
Little Joe.
Publisher -
Kim NewmanResume: Novelist and critic.